Executive Search Digital Solution - GTS Solution

GTS Solution brings together executive search firms, consultants and client HRs. GTS Solution's "integrated platform" enables executive search firms and consultants to interact with their clients online, and gives client HRs the ease to manage executive search projects and service providers with no extra costs. By leveraging our value-added growth support services, executive search firms enjoy the additional business opportunities and sustainable growth.

GTS Solution is a platform for work and collaboration:

√ Best Ruturn
GTS assists consultants in optimizing their revenues in a reasonable and compliant manner. It is in the pursuit of the maximum return of benefits for consultants.

√ Client Advocacy
The practice leader of GTS's online and offline market resources and experts will greatly enhance the ability of executive search consultants and teams in the ecosystem to acquire more clients and enhance the industry penetration and professionalism of their own.

√ Project Collaboration
GTS promotes efficient and trusted collaboration, cooperation and sharing of projects among consultants and teams, providing greater opportunities for success and more reliable protection of interests for each project of consultants and teams.

√ Direct Connection
GTS makes the closed business loop between consultants and clients, so as to effectively track and efficiently manage important business information such as clients and projects.

√ Ecosystem Givebacks
GTS's ecosystem fully helps executive search projects to realize business digital footprint, so as to establish an effective ecology, improve market awareness and reputation, reduce sales costs, and increase revenue.